Here we are at Fiskerhuset

Willam seems unimpressed by his Mummy's display of affection.

It's almost as if he gets smothered with kisses daily.

This might be what caught Bill's attention.

Julia, Andrés, Mayté, Luna og Cata were 'with'.

John tried to build some stone towers like those Darren built back in whenever, but they kept disappearing.

Early morning mist.

This tree was actually a ship. A pirate ship.


The Andrés picture is halfway through a haircut.

We also went to Varde this month and visited bedstemor...

..and abuelo.

Sam is actually stronger than Popeye and Pippy Longstockings. Bet you didn't know that.

William canta. William singing.

Bedstemor quite likes William.

William quite likes this mobile.


William's fringe is natural, i.e. we didn't cut it like that. It just grew that way.

Sam and John showing how strong they are.

Fun and games.


More fun and games. This time with Morten Ussing.

Morten Ussing is strong...

...but no match for the mighty Samuel.

Morten Ussing seems to have got over-excited and rather red in the face.


More quality time.