Sam and Mummy have just launched their home-made boat made from firewood, plastecine, string, a nappy and clothes pegs.


The Danes have a word for it. The English don't - 'morgenhår'.

Actually, I think the correct word is 'brusebadshår'.

Karen multitasking in the garden.

Can't remember why he ended up on my shoulder looking like this.

By the look of things it can be hard work playing with water.

William kan ikke få sine arme ned.

Back training.

Willy-mong gets subjected to it several times a day.

And he doesn't like it.



Karen took this picture through the glass of the living room door. William is hanging in the sling round my shoulders.

I am trying to get him to sleep and have forgotten that I have his dummy in my mouth.

This horrible keyboard plays pre-programmed rambunctious tunes mixed with barnyard noises in an hysterical tempo.

Kids love it. It's horrible. Thank you very much Britta and Martin for a lovely 'present'.

William seems worried.

William is just yawning or singing. Don't worry; he's not screaming at his grandfather.