Comrade Goodwin prepares to assend the launch platform equipped with a giraffe.


Getting ready in the morning.

Mamá y yo preparándonos para ir a la guardería

Off to the nursery.

Aquí vamos...

This was a horrible journey to Varde where everything went wrong.  We ended up on this freezing platform

in the middle of the night in darkest Jutland waiting for for yet another train.

The journey took forever. It's probably still going on somewhere. This was way past Sam's bedtime.

A jam session with abuelo.

Pero valió la pena

multi-instrumentalism taken to its logical extremes.

With Daddy in a fire engine. Ba-buhh, ba-buhh!

Fuimos a un museo de carros de bomberos

There were lots of them parked at this fire engine museum we visited.

Algunos en mejor estado que  otros

Sam's looking cool in cheap shades.

Bet you didn't know that rolling-pins can be used on meat too.

I am helping Daddy make albóndigas (meat balls).

Aquí e ayuso a papá a hacer albóndigas

It's quite difficult.

Hay que estar bien, bien concentrado

They should be rolled into balls... this.


Cute grunge kid.