Yes, this is the sight I wake up to every morning.....


Mum and I try very hard to smile for the camera


Quality time



Uy, y esto?

What's this?

Mi guacamaya que me trajeron Nuria y Lars!

My parrot!- Nuria and Lars gave it to me


Ven como la he domado?

Can you see how I've tamed it?

Fuimos a ver el una carrera de caballos al aire libre, bonita foto, no?


Mi prima Nanna también fué, se encontró un árbol muy cómodo

My cousin Nanna has found a comfortable tree


A Nanna le sobraba esta caja

Nanna gave me this lego when she was finished with it

A mi me da mucha emoción

It was very exciting


Sigo que entreno lo del gateo

I keep on trying to crawl

In Varde I had long and meaningful conversations with my grandfather.

He is great fun